Search found 173 matches

by Shousa
04 Aug 2014, 03:22
Forum: C172 Trainer
Topic: Question about Flaps lever
Replies: 5
Views: 1903

Re: Question about Flaps lever

Thanks all - got it!
by Shousa
03 Aug 2014, 04:47
Forum: C172 Trainer
Topic: Fantastic job on this Cessna!
Replies: 1
Views: 1323

Fantastic job on this Cessna!

Words cannot describe how much I am enjoying this little plane! I only just bought it recently (I have all the other A2A Accusim fleet other than the Cheroke and have not been a GA fan at all but this plane has converted me) but have been mightily impressed on every level. Enjoying it so so much. Th...
by Shousa
03 Aug 2014, 04:36
Forum: C172 Trainer
Topic: Question about Flaps lever
Replies: 5
Views: 1903

Question about Flaps lever

If I do the walk-around I cannot move the flaps if they are on the top setting - is that a kind of lock?

Sure it is but after checking the 119 references to the word flap in the manual I am not sure.
by Shousa
31 Jul 2014, 21:43
Forum: C172 Trainer
Topic: C172 printable checklist
Replies: 20
Views: 20542

Re: C172 printable checklist

Hi Erik I have 2 requests for you: 1) could you please reupload the checklist ? (I only just bought the cessna and I love printed checklists) 2) could I please have a copy of the source code for the Android app of this ? I am just learning how to make android apps using a udemy course and would love...
by Shousa
31 Jul 2014, 20:11
Forum: C172 Trainer Tech Support
Topic: Saitek Switch Panel BAT and ALT switches
Replies: 88
Views: 154843

Re: Saitek Switch Panel BAT and ALT switches

I would like to point out a few things in one place to help others about this. My understanding at this point is: - you can remove the Saitek drivers for the Panels without affecting the Instrument panel screen (from memory the Instrument panel one is called sd6 or something) - then after installing...
by Shousa
31 Jul 2014, 02:42
Forum: C172 Trainer Tech Support
Topic: Saitek Panels
Replies: 3
Views: 2209

Re: Saitek Panels

Ok I have found the answer - now it makes sense. From here: "I know the external cockpit groups and those using the Saitek Flight Instrument Panels (FIPs) were disappointed to discover the A2A C172 Trai...
by Shousa
30 Jul 2014, 03:21
Forum: C172 Trainer Tech Support
Topic: Saitek Panels
Replies: 3
Views: 2209

Re: Saitek Panels

Yes the issue is only the Panels....however I seem to have them all working.

Which is surprising because I have read the "Instrument Panel" which is a little screen - should not be working.
by Shousa
29 Jul 2014, 08:33
Forum: C172 Trainer Tech Support
Topic: Saitek Panels
Replies: 3
Views: 2209

Saitek Panels

I have had some success with getting the Saitek Switch Panel and Multi-panels working without removing the Instrument panel (small screen). My issues - followed instructions in the stickie - installed spad and lost my other switches (they made a noise but would not move only twitch) - found out from...
by Shousa
17 Jul 2014, 08:49
Forum: Boeing 377 Tech Support
Topic: Trust me - these freeware addons rock with the 377!
Replies: 1
Views: 3868

Trust me - these freeware addons rock with the 377!

This is a repeat of a post I made 9 months ago on another forum but if you love the A2a 377 please read this!! You are getting ready to fly a restored 377. First you call for pushback, the pushback dude says he is ready and tells you to release the parking do so and the pushback goes in ...
by Shousa
10 Jul 2014, 19:10
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: DX10 - what to do
Replies: 11
Views: 3089

Re: DX10 - what to do

CodyValkyrie wrote:Like you guys, I was very surprised that he pulled the product. Only a day or so after I purchased it he pulled it. Shame too, as I'm getting some excellent results with it.
I must have purchased it on the same day as you!

Damn lucky is all I can say!
by Shousa
09 Jul 2014, 20:31
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: FSX POLL: Please answer - need feedback
Replies: 48
Views: 7338

Re: FSX POLL: Please answer - need feedback

Sorry I misread as well.. mine is E:\FSX
by Shousa
09 Jul 2014, 20:27
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: DX10 - what to do
Replies: 11
Views: 3089

Re: DX10 - what to do

I have been flying for weeks out of Fukuoka Japan with Aerosim's Airport and City plus Open-vfr the lot with autogen at max and buildings and trees at 6000 per cell max. There are 1000s of buildings as far as the eye can see and yet I have smooth performance other than the odd rare stutter if I turn...
by Shousa
21 Jun 2014, 07:11
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: Goodbye P3D! Hello FSX+Steve's Dx10 fixer+latest Nvidia
Replies: 33
Views: 6295

Re: Goodbye P3D! Hello FSX+Steve's Dx10 fixer+latest Nvidia

Too late for me it seems lol!

"You labeled me
I'll label you
So I dub thee "Unforgiven"

- Metallica
by Shousa
19 Jun 2014, 03:48
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: Goodbye P3D! Hello FSX+Steve's Dx10 fixer+latest Nvidia
Replies: 33
Views: 6295

Re: Goodbye P3D! Hello FSX+Steve's Dx10 fixer+latest Nvidia

Yes I have just found that out, after I did it I then stumbled onto the Sim Outhouse DX10 forum and found "Ohh that is where everyone is!!" Been a regular for years and I never noticed it. Thought everyone had given up there for a while but nope they are there. The P3D forum on there is DE...
by Shousa
18 Jun 2014, 02:24
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: Goodbye P3D! Hello FSX+Steve's Dx10 fixer+latest Nvidia
Replies: 33
Views: 6295

Goodbye P3D! Hello FSX+Steve's Dx10 fixer+latest Nvidia

Wow, just wow!!

Performance beyond amazing.

P3D - uninstalled.

Anyone else checked this combo?

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