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by Kilstorm
29 Jan 2024, 08:52
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: Masters of the Air on Apple TV
Replies: 20
Views: 1762

Re: Masters of the Air on Apple TV

The Lieutennant pumping the valvue on his right hand side to bring up fuel pressure, things like that that even remind me of the cockpit flows in the A2A B17. that point in the film when the captain called to 'lets get this started' to paraphrase, I was watching it with my girlfriend and sai...
by Kilstorm
28 Jan 2024, 12:25
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: Masters of the Air on Apple TV
Replies: 20
Views: 1762

Re: Masters of the Air on Apple TV

Im not sure if the trailer in that clip is going to be in the movie but after watching the 1st episode, I feel like I am going to enjoy watching this series. I keep looking at the little things and so far havent found a fault. Like seeing the yellow lights for the air filters while on the ground but...
by Kilstorm
27 Jan 2024, 16:19
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: Masters of the Air on Apple TV
Replies: 20
Views: 1762

Masters of the Air on Apple TV

Anyone starting to watch this? Its taken for what seems forever to be filmed and released after we got a teaser back in 2014 as The Mighty Eighth

So makes me miss flying the B17
by Kilstorm
25 Jan 2024, 10:05
Forum: Comanche 250 for MSFS
Topic: Wear and failure rates seem too high
Replies: 7
Views: 828

Re: Wear and failure rates seem too high

I've suffered two oil pressure drops in a short time causing me to have to do an emergency landing. I too would hope to never suffer one of those again as if that was the case in real life, I would give up on flying and look to the skies every time I was outside for planes to be falling out of the s...
by Kilstorm
24 Jan 2024, 11:56
Forum: Comanche 250 for MSFS
Topic: AuthentiKit Comanche replica controls
Replies: 30
Views: 15912

Re: AuthentiKit Comanche replica controls

Looking really sharp!
by Kilstorm
22 Jan 2024, 21:27
Forum: Comanche 250 for MSFS Tech Support
Topic: Tablet Feature Request
Replies: 0
Views: 594

Tablet Feature Request

It would be a benefit to have up and down arrows (like in the sideways walk around tab) for the checklist allowing the user to have a bigger target to hit when wanting to go from one checklist to another. Like going from taxi to runup etc. Additionally, it would be nice to have a colored dot on the ...
by Kilstorm
18 Jan 2024, 15:27
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: Video, Emergency landing after loss of Oil pressure
Replies: 5
Views: 675

Re: Video, Emergency landing after loss of Oil pressure

Yep, has happened. :D -Esa Flying on XP12 with the default baron recently I experienced loss of aileron control. Not sure if OnAir or REP broke it. It was horrible weather for this to happen in but using elevator, rudder and throttle, I was able to get back on the ground safely. Did learn a lesson ...
by Kilstorm
17 Jan 2024, 15:03
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: Video, Emergency landing after loss of Oil pressure
Replies: 5
Views: 675

Re: Video, Emergency landing after loss of Oil pressure

No feathering propeller in piston singles, the prop goes to and stays at fine pitch when there is no governor oil pressure to persuade it to do otherwise regardless of what you do. -Esa Explains a lot. Thats the same setup I had with the DHC2 Beaver I flew to get my seaplane ratings IRL. I've been ...
by Kilstorm
16 Jan 2024, 22:38
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: impersonation is the highest form of flattery
Replies: 6
Views: 800

impersonation is the highest form of flattery A look at the WIP of the Tablet for the Black Square Duke. Read more about it here: A2A has set a new standard for us and I am ...
by Kilstorm
16 Jan 2024, 11:37
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: Video, Emergency landing after loss of Oil pressure
Replies: 5
Views: 675

Video, Emergency landing after loss of Oil pressure Landing at KMRY I had a sudden loss of oil pressure and a runaway prop. I requested from PE ATC to switch runways for landing and land straight in. I couldnt get the prop to feather but was able to restart it. The engine would die when I gave full rich mix. I had the al...
by Kilstorm
16 Jan 2024, 09:59
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: Next Plane For 2020
Replies: 175
Views: 18815

Re: Next Plane For 2020

Would love a good bush plane like the Cessna185 with all the different footwear.
by Kilstorm
06 Jan 2024, 14:59
Forum: Pilot's Lounge
Topic: N508NP..all the more legit now
Replies: 2
Views: 952

N508NP..all the more legit now


Just recently realized that Honeycomb molded the key switch to allow keychains.


Power of photoshop on the airworthiness certificate but makes for a nice touch.
by Kilstorm
02 Jan 2024, 09:06
Forum: Comanche 250 for MSFS
Topic: Home Cockpit building. MSFS migration. Now with Force Feedback.
Replies: 16
Views: 13362

Re: Home Cockpit building. MSFS migration. Now with Force Feedback.

Love everything about this build. Especially love the smoothness of the artificial horizon wobble at start up. Is that a real gauge from an airplane or did you fabricate that?
by Kilstorm
29 Dec 2023, 16:59
Forum: Comanche 250 for MSFS
Topic: Part 2 of "N508NP 28 Days Later" showcasing the PA24
Replies: 0
Views: 971

Part 2 of "N508NP 28 Days Later" showcasing the PA24

After having my simpit now for about a month I wanted to make a video showcasing it in use for others who might be interested in any of the hardware or system performance of my setup. This is part 2 of a 3 part series using the A2A Comanche in MSFS on PilotEdge flying a short hop from San Luis to Sa...
by Kilstorm
28 Dec 2023, 10:51
Forum: Comanche 250 for MSFS Tech Support
Topic: Magento bug or not?
Replies: 7
Views: 2108

Re: Magento bug or not?

Was really hoping to hear any input on this as to me it just doesnt seem correct. Heck even last night when I took the plane in to have the airframe looked at as I knew the left brake pads seemed shot based on trying to make a tight left turn using the brake and rudder, when I inspected the airframe...

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