We've lost contact with flightsimstore.com

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We've lost contact with flightsimstore.com

Post by Scott - A2A »

We have completely lost contact with FlightSimStore. We want the community to know and not to order A2A products from this company. It appears their store is taking orders, which if they are, is concerning.

We sent an email to the hosting company here:

If you are a paying customer of flightsimstore, and have also not been able to reach them, send an email to [email protected] explaining your situation, as the more emails and complaints they get, the quicker they can act to resolve this problem.

In the meantime, any A2A customers that have had trouble getting their downloads from FlightSimStore has a safety net with us, and can PM "Lewis - A2A" here, as he has been helping customers get the products they paid for. We (and unsuspecting customers) would obviously rather prevent this from happening in the first place.

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Re: flightsimstore.com is MIA

Post by guillaume78150 »

What do you mean by "completely lost contact" ?
I connected to my Flightsimstore account yesterday and re-downloaded a previous order, not A2A related though.

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Re: flightsimstore.com is MIA

Post by speedy70 »

None of the orders are being updated and you will not get a reply to an email.

Cheers chris

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Re: flightsimstore.com is MIA

Post by Paul K »

There is a message at the top of their store page that says:-

" Please Note: Most files have now been transferred to our new servers. Some files may still be inaccessible, so please let us know via our Facebook page. "

Could this have any bearing on the problem?

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Re: flightsimstore.com is MIA

Post by AviationAtWar »

guillaume78150 wrote:What do you mean by "completely lost contact" ?
I connected to my Flightsimstore account yesterday and re-downloaded a previous order, not A2A related though.
Paul K wrote:There is a message at the top of their store page that says:-

" Please Note: Most files have now been transferred to our new servers. Some files may still be inaccessible, so please let us know via our Facebook page. "

Could this have any bearing on the problem?
Going back to sometime this spring they have been still processing payments for purchases but most people say they can't download anything. Intially FSS said it was a server or hosting related issue that they were working to resolve, but they've since ceased replying to any customer service inquiries and aren't replying to vendors - there are many vendors that are owed money by FSS. Luckily the only software I've bought from them other than my transferred ORBX stuff I have local backups for.

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Re: flightsimstore.com is MIA

Post by Chunk »

I’ll always order directly from you guys, but I used to do a lot of business with FSS. It seems like ever since ORBX opened their own store, and cut ties with FSS, they have steadily gone downhill.

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Re: flightsimstore.com is MIA

Post by gulredrel »

Don't know what FSS is doing. I ordered orbx products during a discount last year. Last week I wanted to re-download things and was a bit lost.
But within orbx account there was an option to migrate the FSS orbx licenses and this was successful.
I just wanted to let you know, that there's an option for this specific product category.

Hope the situation can be solved for all other products.

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Re: flightsimstore.com is MIA

Post by CodyValkyrie »

Bravo Scott! I’m worried how far this has spread and I fear this may end up in litigation somehow. I’m glad to see A2A make a stand on this, especially after me ringing those bells on this very forum.
guillaume78150 wrote:What do you mean by "completely lost contact" ?
I connected to my Flightsimstore account yesterday and re-downloaded a previous order, not A2A related though.
Orders not being updated, patches not going out, inability for developers to add or remove old products, and in some cases customers with hundreds of dollars of orders that weren’t fulfilled. They’ve completely disappeared, and in my opinion unless there is a suitable explanation it’s bordering on scam territory at this point.
Paul K wrote:There is a message at the top of their store page that says:-

" Please Note: Most files have now been transferred to our new servers. Some files may still be inaccessible, so please let us know via our Facebook page. "

Could this have any bearing on the problem?
That message has been there for quite some time and isn’t recent. Even if you contact them on Facebook, I’ve watched them delete people’s messages all the while very rarely and occasionally making a random new announcement. If you check around there’s a plethora of people awaiting fulfillment of previous orders. Several other developers have made announcements about them as well.


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Re: flightsimstore.com is MIA

Post by Scott - A2A »

Flightsimstore is selling A2A products and have not responded to any of our inquiries via direct email, Skype, facebook messaging, or online support tickets. We have asked them to remove our products from their store, but we are not sure any of our messages are making it through to anyone. So it is not advisable to buy A2A products from Flightsimstore.

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Re: We've lost contact with flightsimstore.com

Post by monica6211 »

The same is going on with Milviz, and Milviz is advising everyone not to order from FSS as well.
Well, Back to Flying,


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Re: We've lost contact with flightsimstore.com

Post by Chuckers »

Hmmm, I tried to PM Lewis, and I get the following message, "Some users couldn’t be added as they have disabled private message receipt." I made two purchases of A2A products from the Flightsimstore long ago that I would like to update. I'm happy to complain as Scott suggests. But, is there any way A2A could merge those purchases into the A2A Store so I won't have to deal with flightsimstore anymore? Who can I send my proof of purchase to by PM if Lewis doesn't accept PMs? I love A2A products. Please help me rectify this issue. Thanks!

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Re: We've lost contact with flightsimstore.com

Post by Oracle427 »

Did you PM the correct Lewis?
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Re: We've lost contact with flightsimstore.com

Post by ryanbatc »

What I think really happened: They were the cream of the crop when Orbx used them as their store.... Orbx made their own store, and FSS lost popularity... and revenue.

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Re: We've lost contact with flightsimstore.com

Post by cowboy10uk »

I have purchased a number of A2A products from Flightsimstore, if I send Scott my FSS purchase receipts and serial numbers, is there anyway they can be added to my account here so I have everything in one place and deal directly with you guys?

I know it’s a big ask, but I think it’s fair to say FSS has crashed and burned, or is certainly in a very fast spiral decent and I would hate to lose my A2A aircraft


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Re: We've lost contact with flightsimstore.com

Post by Paul K »

In light of what's been said, I think I'd better go through my account at FSS and make sure I have local back-ups. All my Orbx scenery orders have been transferred to Orbx's own outlet, but I bought some aircraft and utilities too. It's a shame this has happened because I always liked FSS for their product range and support.

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