I need help with Active Sky Next

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Senior Airman
Posts: 164
Joined: 27 May 2020, 04:50

I need help with Active Sky Next

Post by CookerCook »

Sorry for asking a non-A2A related problem in this forum, but I need help with this. Whenever I start it up, it goes to the initialization screen and then it crashes. Please I need all the help I can.
“You Drive a Mustang?”
“No, I fly one.”

Senior Airman
Posts: 164
Joined: 27 May 2020, 04:50

Re: I need help with Active Sky Next

Post by CookerCook »

it gives me this error
Message=Could not load file or assembly 'NAudio, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
at #=qSzFX1KJB3UXZTcKicS3WkDo8wvfWuzFsrcSYB9NiZTo0V38XehpK_7wFITpHx0v2.#=qvBA7teRtqD7L8uQ220gA93546SPS$muHJrFzVSXWHyA=()
at #=qmZF_Y04uNkN5lQ2SAP6iFFhSNdYjk$bvWByB8ckekMVa4S12I8O_baeh1EKt0htL.#=qlTI8EShDnYuRrjSiL9wP_Q==()
at #=q3yl3_pAMlq5vp7_63h1IHSbZqHire$Kjs6USskWn4iAB8YM8mwGd3aH4uhbPQ_kk.#=qVIBSKHIO1C7hU08afTA2T_$6AIdj5puq3uE3RLkBD$0=()
at #=q3yl3_pAMlq5vp7_63h1IHSbZqHire$Kjs6USskWn4iAB8YM8mwGd3aH4uhbPQ_kk.#=qKNOYGEH$3hOy39DoLBJpDw==()
at #=qBx5v7hLYhiKKfIuYbjBcJAthk7H2Jq5QuNaEHjLeP_4=.#=qFsz_SLrlWspEdNJvLC1tew==(Boolean #=qY6UlS_EvCSjsC3UbfE7MzA==)
at #=qEM5g05uG$l7OgfWlBxMfE21$wsovXoa_wkTrhS6S6ag=.#=qbqOU$sPsuH8oel8Hw3Pr0VL3br9wEAdohA8zAWs3p1I=(Object #=qzqu1RQTlN2fk_vCqJYJjdA==, FormClosingEventArgs #=qAyeizUEp_GcrC13Sw_zkaA==)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmClose(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at #=qEM5g05uG$l7OgfWlBxMfE21$wsovXoa_wkTrhS6S6ag=.WndProc(Message& #=qsPM00RcVyaEYLeffyOroXA==)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
TargetSite=Void #=qvBA7teRtqD7L8uQ220gA93546SPS$muHJrFzVSXWHyA=()

[ASN-SE Settings]
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LastTimeWeatherDownloaded=08/10/2020 07:11:25
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ASN-SE_Log 10/08/2020 5:13:36 PM
5:12:32 PM:0094-Verifying Active Sky Next: Steam Edition License
5:12:32 PM:0104-AppPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\DLC\364340
5:12:32 PM:0105-AppDataPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Hifi\ASN-SE\
5:12:32 PM:0129-FS9FlightPlansPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\Flight Simulator Files
5:12:32 PM:0148-FSXPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX
5:12:32 PM:0150-FSXFlightPlansPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition Files
5:12:32 PM:0157-FSXAppDataPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX-SE
5:12:32 PM:0426-Error installing the custom haze layer texture: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\DLC\364340\Images\cirrus_overcast03_haze_disabled.bmp'.
5:12:32 PM:0551-Map image provider initialized!
5:12:32 PM:0718-Airport station list initialized!
5:12:32 PM:0735-Incomplete data found in FSX wx station database.. skipping station
5:12:32 PM:0737-Wx Station Database loaded: 12405 station(s)
5:12:32 PM:0740-Downloading Weather stations data
5:12:32 PM:0746-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:12:32 PM:0917-VOR station list initialized!
5:12:33 PM:0144-NDB station list initialized!
5:12:33 PM:0303-Error reading fir.dat
5:12:34 PM:0950-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:35 PM:0782-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:36 PM:0608-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:37 PM:0320-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:38 PM:0040-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:38 PM:0044-Best server: http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:12:48 PM:0440-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:12:49 PM:0167-Download failed, retrying, attempt #2
5:12:54 PM:0169-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:12:54 PM:0949-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:54 PM:0956-This server previously resulted in download failure and will not be used over the next hour...
5:12:55 PM:0718-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:56 PM:0427-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:57 PM:0114-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:57 PM:0846-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:57 PM:0847-Best server: http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:12:57 PM:0847-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:12:58 PM:0480-Download failed, retrying, attempt #3
5:13:03 PM:0481-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:13:04 PM:0220-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:04 PM:0959-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:04 PM:0960-This server previously resulted in download failure and will not be used over the next hour...
5:13:05 PM:0710-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:06 PM:0408-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:07 PM:0106-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:07 PM:0107-Best server: http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:13:07 PM:0108-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:13:07 PM:0596-Download failed, retrying, attempt #4
5:13:12 PM:0598-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:13:13 PM:0373-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:13 PM:0374-This server previously resulted in download failure and will not be used over the next hour...
5:13:14 PM:0150-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:14 PM:0863-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:15 PM:0620-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:16 PM:0394-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:16 PM:0395-Best server: http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:13:16 PM:0396-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:13:16 PM:0940-Download failed, retrying, attempt #5
5:13:21 PM:0941-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:13:22 PM:0691-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:23 PM:0438-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:23 PM:0439-This server previously resulted in download failure and will not be used over the next hour...
5:13:24 PM:0170-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:24 PM:0967-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:25 PM:0748-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:25 PM:0750-Best server: http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:13:25 PM:0752-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:13:26 PM:0249-Download failed, retrying, attempt #6
5:13:31 PM:0251-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:13:32 PM:0047-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:32 PM:0048-This server previously resulted in download failure and will not be used over the next hour...
5:13:32 PM:0802-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:33 PM:0557-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:34 PM:0300-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:35 PM:0006-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:35 PM:0007-Best server: http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:13:35 PM:0008-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:13:35 PM:0510-Weather stations data Download failure
5:13:35 PM:0511-DownloadStations.dat file not found and/or download failed. Weather stations data will not be loaded!
5:13:35 PM:0512-A fatal error occured. Active Sky cannot function properly and will shut down
5:13:35 PM:0607-Weather station list initialized!
5:13:36 PM:0139-Loading previously loaded weather...
5:13:36 PM:0186-LastDownloaded.Wx not found
5:13:36 PM:0812-Exception while closing the application: Could not load file or assembly 'NAudio, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. at #=qSzFX1KJB3UXZTcKicS3WkDo8wvfWuzFsrcSYB9NiZTo0V38XehpK_7wFITpHx0v2.#=qvBA7teRtqD7L8uQ220gA93546SPS$muHJrFzVSXWHyA=()
at #=qmZF_Y04uNkN5lQ2SAP6iFFhSNdYjk$bvWByB8ckekMVa4S12I8O_baeh1EKt0htL.#=qlTI8EShDnYuRrjSiL9wP_Q==()
at #=q3yl3_pAMlq5vp7_63h1IHSbZqHire$Kjs6USskWn4iAB8YM8mwGd3aH4uhbPQ_kk.#=qVIBSKHIO1C7hU08afTA2T_$6AIdj5puq3uE3RLkBD$0=()
at #=q3yl3_pAMlq5vp7_63h1IHSbZqHire$Kjs6USskWn4iAB8YM8mwGd3aH4uhbPQ_kk.#=qKNOYGEH$3hOy39DoLBJpDw==()
at #=qBx5v7hLYhiKKfIuYbjBcJAthk7H2Jq5QuNaEHjLeP_4=.#=qFsz_SLrlWspEdNJvLC1tew==(Boolean #=qY6UlS_EvCSjsC3UbfE7MzA==)
at #=qEM5g05uG$l7OgfWlBxMfE21$wsovXoa_wkTrhS6S6ag=.#=qbqOU$sPsuH8oel8Hw3Pr0VL3br9wEAdohA8zAWs3p1I=(Object #=qzqu1RQTlN2fk_vCqJYJjdA==, FormClosingEventArgs #=qAyeizUEp_GcrC13Sw_zkaA==)

ASN-SE_Log 10/08/2020 4:03:39 PM
5:12:32 PM:0094-Verifying Active Sky Next: Steam Edition License
5:12:32 PM:0104-AppPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\DLC\364340
5:12:32 PM:0105-AppDataPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Hifi\ASN-SE\
5:12:32 PM:0129-FS9FlightPlansPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\Flight Simulator Files
5:12:32 PM:0148-FSXPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX
5:12:32 PM:0150-FSXFlightPlansPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition Files
5:12:32 PM:0157-FSXAppDataPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX-SE
5:12:32 PM:0426-Error installing the custom haze layer texture: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\DLC\364340\Images\cirrus_overcast03_haze_disabled.bmp'.
5:12:32 PM:0551-Map image provider initialized!
5:12:32 PM:0718-Airport station list initialized!
5:12:32 PM:0735-Incomplete data found in FSX wx station database.. skipping station
5:12:32 PM:0737-Wx Station Database loaded: 12405 station(s)
5:12:32 PM:0740-Downloading Weather stations data
5:12:32 PM:0746-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:12:32 PM:0917-VOR station list initialized!
5:12:33 PM:0144-NDB station list initialized!
5:12:33 PM:0303-Error reading fir.dat
5:12:34 PM:0950-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:35 PM:0782-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:36 PM:0608-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:37 PM:0320-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:38 PM:0040-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:38 PM:0044-Best server: http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:12:48 PM:0440-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:12:49 PM:0167-Download failed, retrying, attempt #2
5:12:54 PM:0169-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:12:54 PM:0949-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:54 PM:0956-This server previously resulted in download failure and will not be used over the next hour...
5:12:55 PM:0718-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:56 PM:0427-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:57 PM:0114-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:57 PM:0846-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:12:57 PM:0847-Best server: http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:12:57 PM:0847-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:12:58 PM:0480-Download failed, retrying, attempt #3
5:13:03 PM:0481-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:13:04 PM:0220-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:04 PM:0959-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:04 PM:0960-This server previously resulted in download failure and will not be used over the next hour...
5:13:05 PM:0710-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:06 PM:0408-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:07 PM:0106-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:07 PM:0107-Best server: http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:13:07 PM:0108-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:13:07 PM:0596-Download failed, retrying, attempt #4
5:13:12 PM:0598-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:13:13 PM:0373-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:13 PM:0374-This server previously resulted in download failure and will not be used over the next hour...
5:13:14 PM:0150-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:14 PM:0863-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:15 PM:0620-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:16 PM:0394-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:16 PM:0395-Best server: http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:13:16 PM:0396-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:13:16 PM:0940-Download failed, retrying, attempt #5
5:13:21 PM:0941-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:13:22 PM:0691-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:23 PM:0438-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:23 PM:0439-This server previously resulted in download failure and will not be used over the next hour...
5:13:24 PM:0170-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:24 PM:0967-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:25 PM:0748-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:25 PM:0750-Best server: http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:13:25 PM:0752-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:13:26 PM:0249-Download failed, retrying, attempt #6
5:13:31 PM:0251-Scanning servers for best performance...
5:13:32 PM:0047-http://cumulus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:32 PM:0048-This server previously resulted in download failure and will not be used over the next hour...
5:13:32 PM:0802-http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:33 PM:0557-http://lacunosus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:34 PM:0300-http://calvus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:35 PM:0006-http://nimbus.hifitechinc.com/ = 99999ms
5:13:35 PM:0007-Best server: http://perlucidus.hifitechinc.com/ - 99999ms
5:13:35 PM:0008-Using Client ID: FA936A4DB7281D1630C45F74648B457F
5:13:35 PM:0510-Weather stations data Download failure
5:13:35 PM:0511-DownloadStations.dat file not found and/or download failed. Weather stations data will not be loaded!
5:13:35 PM:0512-A fatal error occured. Active Sky cannot function properly and will shut down
5:13:35 PM:0607-Weather station list initialized!
5:13:36 PM:0139-Loading previously loaded weather...
5:13:36 PM:0186-LastDownloaded.Wx not found
5:13:36 PM:0812-Exception while closing the application: Could not load file or assembly 'NAudio, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. at #=qSzFX1KJB3UXZTcKicS3WkDo8wvfWuzFsrcSYB9NiZTo0V38XehpK_7wFITpHx0v2.#=qvBA7teRtqD7L8uQ220gA93546SPS$muHJrFzVSXWHyA=()
at #=qmZF_Y04uNkN5lQ2SAP6iFFhSNdYjk$bvWByB8ckekMVa4S12I8O_baeh1EKt0htL.#=qlTI8EShDnYuRrjSiL9wP_Q==()
at #=q3yl3_pAMlq5vp7_63h1IHSbZqHire$Kjs6USskWn4iAB8YM8mwGd3aH4uhbPQ_kk.#=qVIBSKHIO1C7hU08afTA2T_$6AIdj5puq3uE3RLkBD$0=()
at #=q3yl3_pAMlq5vp7_63h1IHSbZqHire$Kjs6USskWn4iAB8YM8mwGd3aH4uhbPQ_kk.#=qKNOYGEH$3hOy39DoLBJpDw==()
at #=qBx5v7hLYhiKKfIuYbjBcJAthk7H2Jq5QuNaEHjLeP_4=.#=qFsz_SLrlWspEdNJvLC1tew==(Boolean #=qY6UlS_EvCSjsC3UbfE7MzA==)
at #=qEM5g05uG$l7OgfWlBxMfE21$wsovXoa_wkTrhS6S6ag=.#=qbqOU$sPsuH8oel8Hw3Pr0VL3br9wEAdohA8zAWs3p1I=(Object #=qzqu1RQTlN2fk_vCqJYJjdA==, FormClosingEventArgs #=qAyeizUEp_GcrC13Sw_zkaA==)

Registry Settings:
FS9MyDocsPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\Flight Simulator Files
FSXPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX
FSXMyDocsPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition Files
FSXAppDataPath = C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX-SE
“You Drive a Mustang?”
“No, I fly one.”

Senior Master Sergeant
Posts: 1876
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Location: Devon,UK

Re: I need help with Active Sky Next

Post by speedy70 »

You need to use their support forum.

found here

Senior Master Sergeant
Posts: 1657
Joined: 27 Jun 2009, 03:39
Location: Southern Germany

Re: I need help with Active Sky Next

Post by MarcE »

I see two things that repeat themselves all the time: can‘t find a path/file in the Program files (x86) directory and Fatal error, AS cannot function properly..

Looks to me like either a permission issue (run everything as admin) or an antivirus denial. (Exclude everything that has to do wirh FS from AV).

Other from that none of us knows the Active Sky code so the best support is always the developer. I rhink they provide quite a good support ober there.

Senior Airman
Posts: 164
Joined: 27 May 2020, 04:50

Re: I need help with Active Sky Next

Post by CookerCook »

MarcE wrote: 10 Aug 2020, 06:23 I see two things that repeat themselves all the time: can‘t find a path/file in the Program files (x86) directory and Fatal error, AS cannot function properly..

Looks to me like either a permission issue (run everything as admin) or an antivirus denial. (Exclude everything that has to do wirh FS from AV).

Other from that none of us knows the Active Sky code so the best support is always the developer. I rhink they provide quite a good support ober there.

I kinda fixed it. I deleted the host.file in the System32/drivers/etc and now it works. I still keep a backup of it in case something goes wrong.
“You Drive a Mustang?”
“No, I fly one.”

Senior Airman
Posts: 164
Joined: 27 May 2020, 04:50

Re: I need help with Active Sky Next

Post by CookerCook »

UPDATE: Reset the hosts.file instead of deleting it as it will cause your internet to slow down. Here’s the tutorial on how to reset your hosts.file

https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/hel ... he-default

Very sorry for the fuss guys.
“You Drive a Mustang?”
“No, I fly one.”

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