Free p-40 start up w/gear up downloaded 51/16/22

With the Flying Tigers shark-toothed paint, the P40 is the most famous fighter of the second world war.
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Free p-40 start up w/gear up downloaded 51/16/22

Post by komorowski »

Sir, The p-40 When started anywhere (location) shows up, then seems to drop on the run-way with the landing gear up. This happens first thing when the plane is first started at any airport run-way, and the plane just sits there, nothing is able to be done (about it) , Motor starts prop goes into run-way but turns. Landing gear will try to lower, Flaps will descend until they are stopped by the run-way surface. From what I have tried everything works but you can't get off the runway surface. :( :?: HELP TK
P.S. Tried deleting, reload, same thing. Have FSX ,sp1,sp2, acceleration. Aren"t sp1,2 loaded with acceleration? also many add-ons.

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Re: Free p-40 start up w/gear up downloaded 51/16/22

Post by Tug002 »

Have you tried loading the trike first and then loading the P40?

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Re: Free p-40 start up w/gear up downloaded 51/16/22

Post by Jacques »

You don’t mention whether you have run the update for the FSX P 40 found here (usually the top of each aircraft’s forum): viewtopic.php?f=23&t=57819

Its an all-in-one update that will detect your P40 and apply the relevant changes!

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Re: Free p-40 start up w/gear up downloaded 51/16/22

Post by Skycat »

It also seems you are loading the aircraft in its damaged condition. While you have it on the runway, open your Shift+3 panel and select the jacks to lift the aircraft out of the pavement. Next, open the Maintenance Hangar Shift+7 and do a complete overhaul of the aircraft to fix all its systems and damaged parts. Close the hangar. Remove the jacks. You should now have a usable airplane.

I recommend you save your default flight with its engine turned off. This will cause all of your aircraft to load with their engines off also, which may solve some problems for your A2A P-40.
Pax Orbis Per Arma Aeria

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