Refund Purchase mistake

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Refund Purchase mistake

Post by jiyaaan21 »

So good day I was hoping I could get a refund or change my purchase from the 182 to the 172 trainer because my little brother bought the 182 by mistake because he said they both look the same and didn't even bother to read what A/C he bought so partly it is also my mistake as I let him bought instead of me so hoping this can be resolved.

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Lewis - A2A
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Re: Refund Purchase mistake

Post by Lewis - A2A »


just replied to your PM

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Re: Refund Purchase mistake

Post by Kalnon »

Keep the C182, it's an awesome aircraft. It's my favorite A2A GA plane and probably my favorite GA plane all together. It is an absolute joy to fly the C182 and a lot of fun. I love bush flying in it. Go buy the C172 at a later time, it's a great plane too but the A2A C182 is a really special airplane in my opinion.

BTW end of year sale is coming up soon. They don't announce it ahead of time I think but they always have one sale a year at the end of the year for like 40% to 50% off, you can buy the C172 then. Just keep checking the store often.

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