Odd difference between VOR bearing and the MSFS GPS

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Pip Bond
Airman First Class
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Odd difference between VOR bearing and the MSFS GPS

Post by Pip Bond »

I have just started flying the Comanche in 2024, and am having a problem with the difference between the VOR bearing in the plane and MSFS s GPS, when I am tuned to the VOR and pointing at it the GPS looks as if I am about 40 Degrees off course? there is very little wind today and I wouldn't usually expect this much deviation? ah I must have not set the compass correctly before take off DUH :) oops!!!

Pip Bond
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Re: Odd difference between VOR bearing and the MSFS GPS

Post by Pip Bond »

If this occurred does it mean that the MSFS GPS takes the heading from the aircraft? logically the MSfS GPS is not connected to the aircraft

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some1 - A2A
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Re: Odd difference between VOR bearing and the MSFS GPS

Post by some1 - A2A »

It's an issue with stock msfs gps. It reads heading data from aircraft's heading indicator, so the map is not oriented correctly if directional gyro is not set.

Pip Bond
Airman First Class
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Re: Odd difference between VOR bearing and the MSFS GPS

Post by Pip Bond »

Thankyou, that makes sense :D

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