msfs2024 install?

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msfs2024 install?

Post by RumDrunkSailor »

I have looked through threads and have also keyword searched on how to install a new A2A download (just purchased the pro packs for 100$) but i have zero clue how to load it to be able to use it in MSFS2024.
no matter which one i download from the a2a page and try to isntall, it says im missing something from lockheed and martin 3d v4 or v5 depending on which i am trying to get to load.
If im missing the thread or something i apologize but if someone could direct me on how to get FS to work with this download id appreciate it or please point me to the right thread. Again, new at this so please forgive my ignorance.
im a real life Commanche owner so id love to be able to fly it in MS.

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Lewis - A2A
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Re: msfs2024 install?

Post by Lewis - A2A »


it sounds like you have purchased products for Lockheed Martins Prepar3d platform but are trying to install them in Microsoft Flight simulator?

If you can PM me your order numbers I can issue a refund for you.

Lewis - A2A
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