Same problem here, did you find a solution?jlheyden wrote: ↑04 Dec 2024, 13:56 hi,
I tried the comanche in msfs 2024
I installed the aircraft (store version) as indicated in Nick's message.
Everything works fine except when I remove the parking brake, I increase the admission pressure and I hear the engine rpm increasing but the plane does not move.
I do the same procedure as for msfs 2020 but won't taxiing.
Anyone have any idea?
A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
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Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
So far, I have tried 2 native MSFS 2024 planes and 1 Carenado which came across from 2020. They've been nothing but buggy, annoying or just unusable! (I know it's getting better). But have been flying the Comanche for 2 days now and having a blast! Thanks so much A2A! Can't wait to fly more of your planes! 

Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
I might have missed it, but is there a way to subscribe to a2a emails / notifications? I would love to receive a notification when a new version is out / msfs 2024 is supported. Thanks!
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Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
Those are not "teething issues", those are neglecting issues. Of course the sim will mature over time, MSFS2020 did as well, but there is no way to predict when this will be. Committing to any release dates, even only years or half years is just guess work which wouldn't be trustable. They will release new stuff when it works and hopefully not earlier. MS did that... and it did't work too well.jeepinforfun wrote: ↑05 Dec 2024, 14:02Every single MS Flight Simulation iteration had teething problems so why should this one be any different? A2A has stayed on top of all their releases to keep them current with the separate sim platforms and MS2024 will be no different.
Right now, I think all the developers are trying to come to terms with the new SDK, or what there is of it, so they can take advantage of all the new exciting things 2024 brings to the table as they did with 2020 and its growing pains.
- barracudamuscle
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Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
Dumb question,
Are you able to use the Comanche as an aircraft in career mode? I’m about to get a pc and purchase the Comanche.
Hoping to be able to use the Comanche but think they might not have made it that far in development on the mission side yet.
Are you able to use the Comanche as an aircraft in career mode? I’m about to get a pc and purchase the Comanche.
Hoping to be able to use the Comanche but think they might not have made it that far in development on the mission side yet.
- some1 - A2A
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Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
No, only selected aircraft included in the new sim can be used in career mode. Even some aircraft shipped with the base game are not usable there I think.
In the future that may change, but I guess we're still a few MSFS 2024 updates away from that.
In the future that may change, but I guess we're still a few MSFS 2024 updates away from that.
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Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
Looking forward to seeing whatever A2A brings to MSFS2024. All my favourite planes have come from here since the days of FS2004, CFS3 etc. twenty-years ago. I'm a sucker for WWII aircraft particularly.
Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
I have a solution for this. The sim is mis-registering the "neutral" position of your brake axis as "brakes applied". Here's the solution:theskyisthelimit99 wrote: ↑07 Dec 2024, 15:55Same problem here, did you find a solution?jlheyden wrote: ↑04 Dec 2024, 13:56 hi,
I tried the comanche in msfs 2024
I installed the aircraft (store version) as indicated in Nick's message.
Everything works fine except when I remove the parking brake, I increase the admission pressure and I hear the engine rpm increasing but the plane does not move.
I do the same procedure as for msfs 2020 but won't taxiing.
Anyone have any idea?
1. Make sure your left and right brakes are bound to axes, not buttons (both can be assigned to the same axis if that's what you want).
2. Select the gear icon to the right of the binding, and then "tweak action curve".
3. Set the neutral position to -1 or +1, depending on your hardware. Since the little white dot doesn't work in 2024, you'll have to experiment with both -1 and +1 and see which works.
This should "unstick" your brakes and allow you to move the plane and also use the brakes as normal. It worked on all of my hardware.
- Hapless2305
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Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
In my sim, the Comanche is showing up as an amphibian (HNL just taxied me to a water runway
). How do I change the icon to "Land" (the little tower)?

- Senior Airman
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Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
Obviously asking for Release dates ist futile and given the current State of MSFS24 it isnt advisable to release the Aerostar unless the first patches are out - but nevertheless I wonder about A2As current road map for MSFS24...
Maybe you can give us some small hints soon:).
Maybe you can give us some small hints soon:).
- Staff Sergeant
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Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
Yep, so in mine! Maybe that's the hint on the roadmap?

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Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
I recently ordered the Comanche on orbx. I used to have msfs2020 installed but it's been removed. The orbx central app doesn't recognize the module for msfs2024, so I can't download it into a 2020 library and then transfer it. Is there another solution I can follow to download and then manually install into the community folder? Feeling a bit stuck because of orbx's requirement to recognize the sim first.Nick - A2A wrote: ↑23 Nov 2024, 04:49 Hi Martin,
Please check out the link in Michal's post above yours for an answer to this question.
Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
best way for use ms20 stuff in the new sim is addon linker, that will make life really easy.
for use comanche there as i know, you can just have the comanche folder from /community/ ms20 in /community/ ms24
you have to know where is it and show addon linker this place for it make the symbling you want. if you haven't too much addons sure you can just copy the folder of comanche to /community/ if ms24
if you need all saved stuff like hours and condition of all your livery birds. you can found where comanche save all of it in ms20 and copy that to same logical place in ms24. and you can found this on this forum, probably even in this thread:)
p.s. yes. first post in this thread have the link to another teme, where you can found all way to go.
and i very much suggest, recommend, almost insist to use any good file manager, what will most convenient for you if you have any aviosimulator with addons.
p.p.s. if you make custom path of community and forgot where is it, you can found it in the file UserCfg.opt
very bottom line is the quoted path where community exist
this file you can find by search you will find two of them, one for ms20 another for ms24
for less friction better have both /community/ on the same logical disk, by that way when you will move(not copy) from one to another, your system will not mess with your disk too much, but only change the path for the stuff you move from there to here. for example when you will stop to use ms20 for move all you want to ms24 it will much faster and much less "scrap" your disk
or you can have every not marketplace addons wherever you want, and use addon linker only for move only symblinks. for now it's not very best way, as we still have some separated addons, that have two different versions for one and another simulators.
ideally only that separated addons we can have in both community, all other somewhere else. and if we want test something from 20 in 24 we can easy send it without physical copy, but only by symblink created by addon linker.
and file manager can be very helpful with it. because windows default system very uncomfortable stuff. as probably most lazy person on the planet, and who looking for max easy way(:in sanity borders:) for everything - you can trust me. all that will save many days in your life, if you can understand my english of course:)
for use comanche there as i know, you can just have the comanche folder from /community/ ms20 in /community/ ms24
you have to know where is it and show addon linker this place for it make the symbling you want. if you haven't too much addons sure you can just copy the folder of comanche to /community/ if ms24
if you need all saved stuff like hours and condition of all your livery birds. you can found where comanche save all of it in ms20 and copy that to same logical place in ms24. and you can found this on this forum, probably even in this thread:)
p.s. yes. first post in this thread have the link to another teme, where you can found all way to go.
and i very much suggest, recommend, almost insist to use any good file manager, what will most convenient for you if you have any aviosimulator with addons.
p.p.s. if you make custom path of community and forgot where is it, you can found it in the file UserCfg.opt
very bottom line is the quoted path where community exist
this file you can find by search you will find two of them, one for ms20 another for ms24
for less friction better have both /community/ on the same logical disk, by that way when you will move(not copy) from one to another, your system will not mess with your disk too much, but only change the path for the stuff you move from there to here. for example when you will stop to use ms20 for move all you want to ms24 it will much faster and much less "scrap" your disk
or you can have every not marketplace addons wherever you want, and use addon linker only for move only symblinks. for now it's not very best way, as we still have some separated addons, that have two different versions for one and another simulators.
ideally only that separated addons we can have in both community, all other somewhere else. and if we want test something from 20 in 24 we can easy send it without physical copy, but only by symblink created by addon linker.
and file manager can be very helpful with it. because windows default system very uncomfortable stuff. as probably most lazy person on the planet, and who looking for max easy way(:in sanity borders:) for everything - you can trust me. all that will save many days in your life, if you can understand my english of course:)
Last edited by einherz on 28 Jan 2025, 13:02, edited 1 time in total.
rank is not classified airman - forum's engine glitch(again!)
Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
Thanks, but the problem is that orbx will not install the module at all. I can't copy it because it won't download the module. This seems to be because it recognizes only msfs2024 and that the Comanche is not registered as an msfs2024 module. I no longer have Xbox Live so I can't reinstall msfs2020 and then copy. I have to go direct to 2024, but I can't even download the files at the moment. For non-orbx modules moving them works as you say.einherz wrote: ↑28 Jan 2025, 12:24 best way for use ms20 stuff in the new sim is addon linker, that will make life really easy.
for use comanche there as i know, you can just have the comanche folder from /community/ ms20 in /community/ ms24
as you can not afaik move symblink as another symblink, if orbx instal comanche not in community but in their own folder, you have to know where is it and show addon linker this place for it make the symbling you want. if you haven't too much addons sure you can just copy the folder of comanche to /community/
if you need all saved stuff like hours and condition of all your livery birds. you can found where comanche save all of it in ms20 and copy that to same logical place in ms24. and you can found this on this forum, probably even in this thread:)
Re: A2A and MSFS 2024 - A Little Update
i don't sure, but probably exist way to make fake ms20 for orbx or everything else could see the community of the ms20. i remember i saw somewhere how to install justflight 20 addons in 24, but i don't sure.
100% would works way - is ask orbx for they update client for have opportunity install ms20 addons in ms24 for own customer risk.
another 100% works way is ask a2a to add comanche in your a2a account. when was problem with gotfirends and //42 as i remember, did that for customers.
you will regret never ever if will use a2a stuff for install. their models it's not only thing they does too cool for be true. installers, and system of updates very convenient and you will never wait when it will ported to marketplace, orbx, contrail, simmarket... wherever else.
for port it to native developers account you just need send confirmation from email your order. i don't know if a2a do that, but would be cool. as i said their installers/updaters same piece of art as their models(however long time they make it lol)
100% would works way - is ask orbx for they update client for have opportunity install ms20 addons in ms24 for own customer risk.
another 100% works way is ask a2a to add comanche in your a2a account. when was problem with gotfirends and //42 as i remember, did that for customers.
you will regret never ever if will use a2a stuff for install. their models it's not only thing they does too cool for be true. installers, and system of updates very convenient and you will never wait when it will ported to marketplace, orbx, contrail, simmarket... wherever else.
for port it to native developers account you just need send confirmation from email your order. i don't know if a2a do that, but would be cool. as i said their installers/updaters same piece of art as their models(however long time they make it lol)
rank is not classified airman - forum's engine glitch(again!)
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