A2A Spitfire

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A2A Spitfire

Post by MACHAVIA »


Can any one advise I have purchased above for P3DV4.2 a few days back is there an issue known ref Throttle function for Thrustmaster HOTAS X I cannot get any where near full power it just like plugs fowled which they are not even done complete OH but engine runs rough and cannot get above 2000 RPM, do I need to do some config adjustements, I re calibrated joy stick several times no joy, all other A2A Fleet working normal and all other add on A/C plus all P3DV4.2 default A/C ??


Best Regards
Charlie McEwan
P3Dv4.5 / Win 10 64 BIT Intel (R) Core TMi7-8700K [email protected] nvidia geforce GTX1070Ti RAM16GB

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Nick - A2A
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Re: A2A Spitfire

Post by Nick - A2A »

Hi Charlie,

Have you tried cycling both the throttle and propeller pitch control?

If you can give us a bit more specific info (i.e. which marque of Spitifire, and exactly what RPM and boost values you're reaching) it'll be easier to make basic suggestions before we worry too much about P3D input options.

It's probably also worth checking the maintenance hangar for any damage or defects.


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Re: A2A Spitfire

Post by MACHAVIA »

Hi Nick,

Well, I just tried the MK11b and it all functioned OK weird probably my lack of familiarity ?, I did a flight up and down 40 minutes all good.

Prior to this I was in both MK 1a's (N3249 & R6835) boost all over the shop not settled mad fluctuating /RPM under 2000.Could not get any higher.

cheers & thanks Nick
Best Regards
Charlie McEwan
P3Dv4.5 / Win 10 64 BIT Intel (R) Core TMi7-8700K [email protected] nvidia geforce GTX1070Ti RAM16GB

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Nick - A2A
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Re: A2A Spitfire

Post by Nick - A2A »

Okay, that sound promising Charlie. :)

Please let us know how you get on with future flights.


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