Flap position onscreen text is incorrect

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Flap position onscreen text is incorrect

Post by NJPilot »

Win 11 PC, MSFS2020, Honeycomb Quad, Comanche. MSFS on screen @ bottom flaps status shows 0 for no flaps (OK). 1 notch & 2 notches show 0 (which is not correct). Then full flaps finally shows 38 degrees (A2A pilot manual states 27 or 28 degrees). Flaps and Flaps handle operate correctly.
I am referring to cockpit flying. The text I am referring to is at the bottom of the screen, somewhat right of center. There is white text for Flaps, Trim, V. Speed and Altitude with numbers below each title. All except flaps register correct values.
I'm not sure how long this has been occurring. Does anyone else have this problem? Or does anyone have a suggestion to resolve it? Thanks.

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