Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Cary1 »

Why am I blocked by something called WordFence?
-=dcp=- Archive1

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Nick - A2A »

WordFence is third-party software dcp which protects our site against hackers, malware and that sort of thing. It's an unfortunate necessity in the world we live in today, but sometimes false positive can be triggered, for example if some code is embedded in a post.

Not sure what was blocked in your case, but seems you're currently able to post?

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Cary1 »

Sent a long message yesterday that did not go through. So..
Did install a new version of the Comanche.
But same problem. No cockpit sound with ordinary flying; yes cockpit sound with hard landing; and yes sound with exterior views; and yes cockpit sound with other aircraft.
Does not make sense to this old guy. But then my "sense" is as old as I.
Have no idea what you can do but will live with it.
May be some delay to moving to MS2020 and the new A2A Comanche - as the crazy season approaches.
Lemme know what you think when you have time.
-=dcp=- Archive1

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Cary1 »

Just a simple Happy Christmas and New Year.
Take your time getting back to me.
Will a still be here...I hope.

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Nick - A2A »

Hi dcp,

Happy New Year to you too! I've just had a quick reread of the topic and I think we need to establish exactly what audio playback device(s) you're using with your setup. Please can you let us know if you have more than one playback device connected, for example, if you use both speakers and headset, and if so, which one is the Windows default device?

You can check this in Windows 10 or 11 by clicking the speaker icon in the system tray at bottom right, which will give you some more options for viewing the audio device list. If you let us know which version of Windows you're using, I can provide more specific instructions on this.

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Cary1 »

We survived the Christmas surge, now for New Years!

To answer your questions. Using only two simple, desktop Harmon/Kardon stereo speakers recognized by my Win 10 as "Hi Def Audio Device" and is standard/default for all incoming and output audio.
No headset involved. No other fancy audio attachments or tweaks.
And remember - only the cockpit sounds of the Comanche are involved - that is what is weird about it all. Outside the cockpit, all sounds are normal.

Did you get a box for boxing Day?...sorry, couldn't resist!
Cheers, -=dcp=-

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Cary1 »

Deleted the stock A2A Comanche from the active FS directory and uploaded a new/clean version.
No change in sound problems
Immediately afterward I flew a C B58 Baron with no sound problems.
I think the trouble is not with your program, but some interface gremlin with my equipment
So, my friend, take a break. There are other folks out there that need help.
Let's just drop me from the 'Help' list and let you move on to help others.
I will look into upgrading to FS 2020 (or whatever it is now) and move up to your new Comanche 250 and let's see what happens.
I will stay in touch. Now, ehem, if I have no cockpit sound with the new lashup, you can count on me being back!
Happy New Year...I hope,

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Nick - A2A »

Hi dcp,

This a bit of an odd one, but when I'm back home with access to my FSX PC after the New Year's celebrations, I'll be in a better position to make suggestions and try to help.

In the long term though, moving onto MSFS 2020 (or MSFS 2024 if you're brave enough) is gong to give you a much better experience on a newish PC than FSX.

Catch up with you again in 2025 and no, no boxes (or boxing/unboxing) on Boxing Day!

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Cary1 »

Safe trip home.
Will continue at your schedule and convenience...if you want.

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Cary1 »

After some thought I think my last msg was in error.
If all aircraft fly with proper sound and only the Comanche does not...even with the A2A Bonanza doing well - the problem cannot be with my unit.
So. When you get the time, let's continue to explore the possibilities. OK?
But, again, I am not suicidal about the problem and would encourage you to help folks with serious hook-up problems.

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Nick - A2A »

Hi dcp,

Okay, as you mention above you "deleted the stock A2A Comanche from the active FS directory and uploaded a new/clean version" we'll need to start by re-running the latest Accu-Sim update for FSX.

However, before you do this, please can you navigate to this directory in your FSX installation:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\A2A\Comanche250\Update_fsx

And delete the "client.wyc" file within.

Then download and run the legacy Accu-Sim updater here: viewtopic.php?t=57819.

When you run this program it will search for A2A aircraft within your FSX library and it should find and update the Comanche. Please can you confirm that it does this. Once this program has completed the update, launch FSX and check if the problem persists and we'll take things from there. :)

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Cary1 »

Glad that you are on the problem. I admit, my last discouraging message was obviously wrong, but then...
Will follow through. Several medical issues at hand, but that's age calling.
Will get back shortly.

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Cary1 »

Back again.
Ran the update as directed, but no joy. The A2A Bonanza has cockpit noise, but the Comanche does not. Other aircraft do have cockpit sound.
Too many med expenses this month so will put off the upgrade to new Microsoft FS until later...probably March. And then will download the new version of Comanche. Look forward to it.
I'm becoming a pest.
I think you should move on to other more pressing problems.
-=dcp=- Cary1

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Nick - A2A »

Nice to hear from you again dcp and hope you're keeping those medical issues at bay.

This really is a peculiar one though! :? If cockpit sounds are playing in the Bonanza, this only seems to reave the volume control for the Comanche as the culprit. However, this was the very first thing we checked. Also, deleing log.dat file which we also tried would reset this anyway.

It might be worth just double-checking anyway. Here's a pic to show where the volume control is.

Screenshot 2025-01-04 170128.png
Screenshot 2025-01-04 170128.png (33.25 KiB) Viewed 22 times

Note that directly above the text "volume" at bottom left, a grey bar is visible, showing volume is set to 100% in this case. If that grey bar isn't visible, it indicates the volume is a 0%, or muted.

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Re: Suddenly no cockpit sound in my Comanche 250

Post by Cary1 »


will check...never noticed the grey bar although I did check the volume control itself.

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