Fist leg is from Chaig Rai International (VTCT) in Thailand. We'll be hauling three passengers, who will each have about 80 pounds of cargo. We'll let our passengers out of the airplane and take on approximately 500 pounds of "agricultural products" in the form of bales, which we'll fly to Gasa Airport (ZPJH) in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture of China. We have been assured that our flight here has been approved, and we and our aircraft will not be detained. We'll unload the cargo and takeoff for our flight destination of Kengtung Airport (VYKG) in Myanmar.
Here's the SkyVector route: ... 37E%20VYKG
The flight distance is 274 nm and should take us about 2 hours and 4 minutes in a Cessna 182.
Golden Triangle

Meet on: Digital Theme Park on JoinFS.
Comms through A2A Discord channel Flying Chat 1 unless that one is busy, in which case we'll use alternates 2 or 3.
Aircraft: Half-fast GA, such as Cessna 182, or similar.
Takeoff time 20:00 Zulu. Local takeoff time: 10:00.
Weather: Historical.